

Utility functions for python-bluezero., list2)

Takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical inclusive AND operation on each pair of corresponding bits, list2)

Takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical inclusive OR operation on each pair of corresponding bits, list2)

Takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical inclusive XOR operation on each pair of corresponding bits

Split 6 byte long in integers representing x, y & z


helper function to create logger in Bluezero modules

return the number of input parameters of the fn , None on error

Convert integer to Unsigned 16 bit little endian integer

Parameters:value_in – Integer < 65535 (0xFFFF)

Convert integer to unsigned 32-bit (little endian)


Convert a signed 16-bit integer to integer

Returns:, frame_type, tx_power)

Encode as specified



Global constants file for the python-bluezero project.

This file is a single location for the different object paths that are used as constants around the python-bluezero library.

from bluezero import constants
my_function(constants.CONST_1, constants.CONST_2)
bluezero.constants.ADAPTER_INTERFACE = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'

BlueZ DBus adapter interface

bluezero.constants.BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME = 'org.bluez'

BlueZ DBus Service Name

bluezero.constants.DBUS_OM_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager'

The DBus Object Manager interface

bluezero.constants.DBUS_PROP_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'

DBus Properties interface

bluezero.constants.DEVICE_INTERFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'

BlueZ DBus device Interface

bluezero.constants.GATT_CHRC_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1'

BlueZ DBus GATT Characteristic Interface

bluezero.constants.GATT_DESC_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattDescriptor1'

BlueZ DBus GATT Descriptor Interface

bluezero.constants.GATT_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattManager1'

BlueZ DBus GATT manager Interface

bluezero.constants.GATT_PROFILE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattProfile1'

BlueZ DBus GATT Profile Interface

bluezero.constants.GATT_SERVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattService1'

BlueZ DBus GATT Service Interface

bluezero.constants.LE_ADVERTISEMENT_IFACE = 'org.bluez.LEAdvertisement1'

BlueZ DBus Advertisement Interface

bluezero.constants.LE_ADVERTISING_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1'

BlueZ DBus Advertising Manager Interface

bluezero.constants.MEDIA_PLAYER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.MediaPlayer1'

BlueZ DBus Media player Interface

DBus Tools

Utility functions for DBus use within Bluezero.


Return True if the BlueZ daemon service is in experimental mode :return: True if experimental enabled


get the version of the BlueZ daemon being used on the system

Returns:String of BlueZ version

Helper function to represent Python bytearray as D-Bus Byte array

bluezero.dbus_tools.get(dbus_prop_obj, dbus_iface, prop_name, default=None)

Get a property from a D-Bus object and provide a default if the property does not exist. Similar to the “get” functionality on a python dictionary. :param dbus_prop_obj: The output object from dbus_tools.get_props :param dbus_iface: D-Bus Interface name e.g. ‘org.bluez.Device1’ :param prop_name: The name of the property :param default: What value to return if the property does not exist. :return: The property value if it exists or the default value


Return the address of the adapter from the a DBus path

bluezero.dbus_tools.get_dbus_iface(iface, dbus_obj)

Return the DBus interface object for given interface and DBus object :param iface: :param dbus_obj: :return:


Get the the DBus object for the given path :param dbus_path: :return:

bluezero.dbus_tools.get_dbus_path(adapter=None, device=None, service=None, characteristic=None, descriptor=None)

Return a DBus path for the given properties :param adapter: Adapter address :param device: Device address :param service: GATT Service UUID :param characteristic: GATT Characteristic UUID :param descriptor: GATT Descriptor UUID :return: DBus path


[Deprecated] Function to get the address of a remote device from a given D-Bus path. Path must include device part (e.g. dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX)


Finds device whose name contains the string :param name_contains: String to be found in device name :return: List of dictionaries wth Device address and name

bluezero.dbus_tools.get_iface(adapter=None, device=None, service=None, characteristic=None, descriptor=None)

For the given list of properties return the deepest interface :param adapter: Adapter address :param device: Device address :param service: GATT Service UUID :param characteristic: GATT Characteristic UUID :param descriptor: GATT Descriptor UUID :return: DBus Interface


[Deprecated] Function to get the address of a remote device from a given D-Bus path. Path must include device part (e.g. dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX)


Return the objects currently managed by the DBus Object Manager.

bluezero.dbus_tools.get_methods(adapter=None, device=None, service=None, characteristic=None, descriptor=None)

Get methods available for the specified :param adapter: Adapter Address :param device: Device Address :param service: GATT Service UUID :param characteristic: GATT Characteristic UUID :param descriptor: GATT Descriptor UUID :return: Object of the DBus methods available

bluezero.dbus_tools.get_profile_path(adapter, device, profile)

Return a DBus path for the given properties :param adapter: Adapter address :param device: Device address :param profile: :return:

bluezero.dbus_tools.get_props(adapter=None, device=None, service=None, characteristic=None, descriptor=None)

Get properties for the specified object :param adapter: Adapter Address :param device: Device Address :param service: GATT Service UUID :param characteristic: GATT Characteristic UUID :param descriptor: GATT Descriptor UUID :return: Object of the DBus properties available


Return a list of GATT Service UUIDs for a given Bluetooth device D-Bus path

Parameters:path_obj – D-Bus path for remote Bluetooth device
Returns:List of GATT Service UUIDs
bluezero.dbus_tools.interfaces_added(path, interfaces)

Callback for when an interface is added :param path: :param interfaces: :return:

bluezero.dbus_tools.properties_changed(interface, changed, invalidated, path)

Callback for when properties are changed :param interface: :param changed: :param invalidated: :param path: :return:


Helper function to represent Python string as D-Dbus Byte array

Async Tools

Collection of functions to work with the GLib Event Loop

class bluezero.async_tools.EventLoop

Facade class to help with using GLib event loop


Check if event loop is running


Stop event loop


Run event loop

bluezero.async_tools.add_timer_ms(time, callback, data=None)

Call given callback every x milliseconds

bluezero.async_tools.add_timer_seconds(time, callback, data=None)

Call given callback every x seconds